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20° Enemet homenageia os criadores do encontro
Profissionais renomados que fizeram parte das primeiras edições do evento relembraram suas trajetórias e reforçaram a importância da troca de ideias entre as novas gerações de estudantes para o futuro da área.
New technologies to decarbonize the steel industry discussed at 4th EMECR
This international conference on the steel industry’s sustainability is held for the first time here and brings together experts from Brazil and other parts of the world.
Cerimônia de abertura da 6ª edição da ABM WEEK é marcada por emoção e homenagens
Solenidade reuniu centenas de pessoas no Pro Magno, em São Paulo. Depois de dois anos, evento volta a ser realizado.
ABM WEEK opening ceremony will pay homage to professionals and technology institute
Honorees of 2020 and 2021 will receive the ABM Medals in recognition of their histories and the role they played in the development of the Brazilian mining, metals, and materials industry.
75th Annual Congress will be held during ABM WEEK
The Annual Congress was the first, and for many years the only, event organized by ABM. The first edition was held in 1945 in the cities of São Paulo and Volta Redonda.
The Ironmaking and Raw Materials Seminar reaches its 50th edition
Technological solutions to optimize production and reduce carbon emissions will be a highlight in the event, which is an integral part of ABM WEEK 6th edition.
The App for the 6th edition of ABM WEEK is available for Android and IOS systems
You can use your smartphone to check ABM WEEK’s full program and interact with other participants.
Transition to low-carbon economy in the mining and steel industry will be one of the core topics during ABM WEEK, 6th edition
Academia and industry leaders will debate ways to implement more sustainable practices in industrial activities
Melhores trabalhos apresentados na ABM WEEK serão premiados
Os prêmios reconhecem as contribuições de maior destaque apresentadas nos seminários, simpósios e no congresso, de acordo com as distintas áreas de conhecimento neles contempladas.
6ª edição da ABM WEEK promoverá encontros de negócios e networking
Além da programação com plenárias, painéis, mesa-redonda e sessões técnicas, evento terá rodadas de negócios, apresentações de startups e exposição de soluções tecnológicas.