Per: Matheus Salmito RoDrigues Ponte (ArcelorMittal Pecém), Francisco Leonardo Martins de Sousa (ARCELORMITTAL PECÉM), Lucas The de Araújo (ARCELORMITTAL PECÉM), Keneddy Veloso da Silva (Arcelormittal Pecém), Emerson de Souza Silva (ArcelorMittal Pecém), Miguel Araújo de Vasconcelos Filho (ArcelorMittal Pecém), Alisson Dias da Silva (ArcelorMittal Pecem)
In the sintering process, the chemical and physical properties are connected, that is, the chemical quality impacts on the physical property. The physical qualities of the sinter, such as cold strength, mean size and <5mm, are strongly impacted by the formation of calcium ferrites, a compound formed during the sintering process and which has high resistance when compared to silicates. Consequently, the percentage and proportion of CaO and SiO2 impact on the formation of calcium ferrites and, consequently, on the physical properties. Based on this, there is a need to establish the lowest slag volume in the sinter, in order to reduce slag rate and coke rate in the blast furnace, keeping the impact on the physical qualities controlled. Therefore, in this work, a study was carried out on the impact of reducing the slag volume on the physical qualities of the sinter. In the study it was possible to reduce and control the percentages of CaO, SiO2 and MgO with the objective of the sum of the 3 reaching 14.5%. Industrial tests were carried out and the results analyze.