Per: ANA LUISA BORGES SILVA (VLI Logistica), Alex Sandro Tavares Barbosa (usiminas), Daniel da Silva Moura (vli logistica), Juliana Cotta De Souza Marques Viana (vli logistica), Leonardo Jose De Figueiredo (vli logistica), Paulo Roberto de Caux (usiminas), Rafael Alves Oliveira (usiminas), Tiago Mokarzel (vli logistica), Vinicius da Silva Pernisa (usiminas)
The present work presents a case study of an open innovation of VLI Logística (service provider). In order to improve their logistics and intermodal management, they integrated multidisciplinary teams, shared data, and jointly made some technological investments. To complement the developments, the companies were also able to engage other players, such as MRS and EFVM. The partnership transformed productivity through data integration between Usiminas logistics and VLI, from the supply of raw materials for steel production, with multimodal transportation flows, to the distribution of products, connecting customer assets and its logistics partner. To give an idea of the impact of the partnership, in 2023 alone, 9,000 KTUs will be transported by rail and 2,000 KTUs by ports, which represents 70% of Usiminas' movements. The technologies and methods adopted, the use of agile practices, the Scrum methodology and system integrations enabled remarkable advances. The partnership led to significant process improvements, such as product distribution, transportation reception, cargo transshipment and raw material supply. The benefits include greater operational visibility and customer satisfaction, efficiency in the billing chain, and savings in work hours.