Per: Rogério BreGANOn (IF-PR CAmpus campo largo), FRancisco arieta (Tribosystems ), giuseppe pintaude (utfpr)
This work presents the stress-strain curves using indentation plastometry based on profilometry (PIP) of 1.2367 (X38CrMoV5-3), WP7V and CP2M® tool steels, after heat treatment in a salt bath, using an austenitizing temperature of 1050°C and triple tempering of 2 hours each to attend the hardness range of 54-55 HRC. No significant anisotropy or inhomogeneity was detected in the samples. Samples of CP2M and 1.2367 steels showed Yield Stress and Ultimate Stress (UTS) values around 1,800 and 2,000 MPa, respectively, whereas the WP7V steel showed a bit lower Yield Stress of approximately 1,750 MPa and an UTS approximately of 2,000 MPa.