Per: MARIA EUGENIA PIUVEZAM DE A. BASTOS (ACUMULADORES MOURA -BELO JARDI), erivanio lima viana (acumuladores moura s/a), fernando do nascimento (acumuladores moura s/a), Wellington de Lima Silva (Acumuladores moura s/a), beatriz aranha de farias (acumuladores moura s/a)
Every year, industries, especially automotive, aeronautics, metallurgy, and civil construction, face losses generated by the oxidation process. This problem generates a financial loss of products, machinery, etc. The lead metallurgy industries face problems of tin oxidation caused by the addition of this metal in the alloy. This fact causes a significant financial loss, given that tin is used for this procedure and its current cost is (R$ 135,625.00 per ton). In the present work, a case study of this problem was carried out in a lead metallurgical industry of Acumuladores Moura S/A. To find the root cause, the PDCA analysis tool (Plan, Do, Check, Act) was used, following the philosophy of continuous improvement (Kaizen). For the analysis of the metal, a solid spectrophotometer was used to observe the concentrations of metals in the alloys. An experimental design of tin addition forms was planned, aiming at the influences of the addition form, mechanical agitation and temperature on the oxidation losses during the process. With the support of the industrial production, it was possible to do the experiments. With this, it was possible to conclude which the most efficient way to add tin is the one with the shortest mechanical agitation time.