Per: ANDRE LUIZ RECH MOTA (PUC-RIO, DEPARTAMENTO DE ENGENHARIA CIVIL E AMBIENTAL), luiz carlos wrobel (PUC-Rio, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental)
Corrosion is the most recurrent pathology in reinforced concrete, responsible for high costs in the recovery of the affected structure. In addition to direct costs such as materials used in the recovery, specialized labor, replacement of affected parts or equipment, there are indirect costs such as the suspension of use of the structure, loss of products such as oil, solutions, gas or water, loss of efficiency and product contamination. Finding ways to combat and prevent corrosion is extremely important. Cathodic protection has been presented in recent decades as an effective way to combat corrosion, not only stopping the corrosive process completely, but also preventing the appearance of new points. Its use has been increasingly applied in reinforced concrete structures, such as bridges, piers, industrial and residential buildings and tunnels. This article presents the computational program GCPCalculator developed for the design of galvanic anodes for steel protection in reinforced concrete, and also presents the design of the cathodic protection system for a column using the program. The results obtained are presented and discussed in this article.