Per: andrea gomba (danieli), marco ansoldi (danieli), damiano patrizio (danieli), manuele piazza (danieli), Paulo Da Costa (danieli), Orhan Kuran (Kroman Celik San. A.Ş.)
The present work analyzes the results achieved in Kroman Celik EAF one year after the installation of the Q-MELT Automatic EAF system and the revamping of the furnace chemical package. The main features of the system, such as electrode regulation and foamy slag control, charging optimization, off-gas analysis and closed loop injectors control are summarized. Further improvements have been achieved with the fine tuning of the melting practices, which allowed to progressively reduce the electrical energy consumption. The effect of oxygen dedicated to post combustion is analyzed in terms of electrical energy savings. In addition, slag sampling has been increased to improve the slag builder’s recipe and to reduce the variability of the main chemical compounds. The initial results achieved after the first months of installation were confirmed and improved during (year) 2018. The system showed how its adaptive characteristics changed dynamically the input process parameters according to the variability of the different parameters measured, such as charge mix, off-gas analysis, arc coverage index, etc.